Bedtime Stories

Sometimes I feel like the world is a golf ball and that Tiger Woods just hit it millions and millions of yards away. Because it's rotating so fast and it's sometimes hard to keep up. You feel swamped and it's just too much. But what to do?

I know I get that way quite a lot for some reason, I tend to stress out and not think of things rationally. I tend to get hyper and feel like I'm losing control and like there's no way I can ever catch up to where I should be at.

Right now is one of those periods. I have a lot in school, many different writing jobs outside of it, stuff I need to take care of at home, "millions" of books to read and other things to manage too. Plus all the things I WANT to do but don't have to.

Instead of stressing out this time, as I might "normally" tend to do. I'm trying to take a step a back and look at it from a bit of a distance. Let's be rational and start in one end and the rest will work it's way out, probably. And I might have to drop certain things too that seemed important at the time, but that aren't too important now.

With an air of - it's going to work it's way out, and actually believing it - I'm ready to face the day.

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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