When will we go into Production?

I feel really good that I've been really getting into writing lately. It's always been a huge part of my life and I've loved to put down words on pages. Not only with the blog, but I'm also currently motivated with a project that we're going to shoot in September.

It's a script, based on a play that N wrote a bunch of years ago. It started out as a pure adaptation, but has more and more evolved into it's own little thing, based on what she has written. But by no means taking away from her idea and her originality. I've already had one meeting with a person that I really get along great with who I want on board as an assistant director. Since I will be writing, directing, acting and producing I really need some help, and I only want N and the other actors to be acting.

It's a true challenge for me since, scatterbrain-me, normally is all over the place. In between yesterday and today I've already finished a second and a third revision and will soon get the other persons revision as well, just to see what form of combined vision we can create.

I'm really liking writing scripts. I've never had any training, but I really like it. I've read a bunch, seen a whole lot of movies, and through experience learned what works and what doesn't. Which doesn't mean that I don't do them, but I'm quick to learn from someone that does know more than I do.

Another meeting is set for next Thursday, and then we're probably going to keep at it until we actually shoot. This is a new part of this profession, with a whole different kind of process that I've never experienced before, but am SO happy to learn, and so excited to begin with!

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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