Don't Need No Key

Wow, I never thought I'd be this kind of "mindsick" (see; seasick - but introvertly). Everything's spinning around and I really don't know what I've gotten myself into.

Nothing dangerous, so worried parents/grandparents/relatives - fret not.

I'll have to think about it both four and five times before I go public with what I've been through today so despair not, it might come.

On the other hand, I've had a gorgeous day. It's been sunny out, I've explored Harlem, West Village, Meatpacking District and more of the Upper West End (where I live). Lemme tell you this, N.Y. is definitely growing on me and even though it's gritty and dirty, it works out perfectly. It's a vibrant, colorful city, not totally unlike Paris or Prague, it's a meltingpot not unlike London but most of all - it's "genuinely genuine". Nothing quite like it even though everything resembles it.

Finished this day and evening off with a three-course dinner at the Jazz-supper club "Smoke" (many thanks to Laszlo for recommending it). Now I'm full, confused, satisfied but most of all happy!

Yesterday was also awesome, sort of finished of Central Park and then went to the American Museum of Natural History, topped off the evening with "The Addams Family Musical" on Broadway - excellent entertainment in all respective manners.

Now to bed with a heart full of joy, loads of love!


  1. Oj, det låter ju intressant! Har Du fått jobberbjudande? Tänker Du flytta? Öppna restaurang? .. .. .. eller vad då? Nå, om planerna håller får jag väl höra ngt när Du återvänder!! Kram!


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