You Have To

I guess you sort of have to go through a bad experience before you know what a good one is. Yesterday's shoot turned out nothing like either of us had hoped for.. I was 20 minutes early, because I like being on set on time and the other actor arrived five minutes late. This was all fine since the director herself showed up around 40 minutes late, with no messages or phone calls to me. Everything went completely chaotic from there. Her DP (Director of Photography) and her AD (Assistant Director) decided to cancel on her the night before but we still needed to shoot.

No shot list, no storyboard and only one script that we as actors brought. We had a kid and a dog on set and she had never directed either before. The dog's owner turned into our DP and the friend that came with our director had nothing to do. Don't ask me how things went. We had to power through, without any break, because we were delayed about an hour the entire day.

The camera started acting up at around noon, the memory cards acted up the entire day and our poor director got more and more desperate. We cut the boom (microphone) after the first hour of shooting because it picked up the wrong sounds. Everything worked against us. Needless to say, by the end of the day - the acting was laughable - no, it was shit, quite frankly.

At 9'o'clock we were done shooting and I was about to go off someone. Never before have I worked at a more chaotic set. I feel sorry for the director who didn't get the shoot the way she wanted and who has to edit it today for 15 hours straight. I hope the end-product at least turns into something, somewhat, watchable. First time ever I'm not proud over what work I've done. I'll still post it here though.

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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