"Fairytale Murderers."

(Kodak Color 200, shot on my Canon F1 with a 100mm lens.)

"It's the wind, the wind that violently blows,"
said the two while munching
almost choking, laughingly crunching
away; house crumbling, but the witch she knows.

She's dreamt of this moment but now it's close,
she lures the two siblings in,
with falsities hidden in her grin,
time to work the sister, while the brother fatter grows

Gretel a stick; while Hansel his piggery shows,
not noting Gretel's leg, smacking her lips,
on it and into the oven she trips;
locking the door the chimney explodes

Spell and torture broken, now crackling witches and Gretel's wicked laughter,
Children turned murderers to live happily ever after.

Fredrik Scheike

IG/Twitter: @fscheike // fb.com/FredrikScheikeActor


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