2/9 - Suburban Train

Time for me to write a little aswell!

This weekend has clearly been passable, enjoying it for real, though all this language training makes me kind of dizzy.

I finished at 10 as usual on saturday morning and waited for the clock to turn 11:00 because that's when I was about to be picked up. I headed, directly after course to a little bar with Delphine and Marion to take a coffee. After a lot of thinking I decided I wanted a cold nice coke in the near-to-summer-sun". I headed back to the Lycée where Florence would pick me up, because we were going to go visit Georges mother who had her anniversary Saturday. She had told me earlier that Georges and Quentin would go by bike and we others by car but as we approached "home" she told me we were all going together.

During the way "home" to pick up all the others me and Florence started discussing the problems I'm having with learning and wanting to quit german. I debated it for the whole way when I started realizing it was as pointless as it is arguing with ice..
"You're only saying that french is closer to swedish than german because you've never studied german before.."
- No I say so because it takes A LOT of time for a swedish to learn german - in swedish. Time and effort which I would like to lay on something more valuable, say, learning FRENCH?
"All languages are hard in the beginning you know.. You will speak good german after this year."

BAH! It's hopeless, but I will write a letter for my headmaster in ENGLISH so she understands my difficulties, and of course, so I can argue better for my cause, which I think is a just cause. I can't believe this narrow-mindedness of people, who are oh-so-sweet otherwise, stop dabbling about what you think and start listening to what I say.

After a lot of running around, collecting the last stuff over and over again we finally headed off - true Sunes Sommar-style. Everybody were confused and stressed so that doesn't make the greatest combination.

The drive took about an hour and a half or two hours, I don't really recall since I was resting most of the time.. I actually managed to fall asleep, and right after Vincent fell asleep and our heads crashed and we both woke with a wonder of what had hit us both..!

We arrived and we started eating like all good feasts require. We started of with a potato-pie which resembled swedish gratinated potatoes. Good anyhow, I ate a bit too much I think as when it was time for the rest I only took a small portion. Haricots, rice, a rich sauce and salmon. Not the brown salmon-like-stuff we receive in school but rose salmon-filet! As it was time for desert I only took a small slice of the caramellized prune and apple-pie. We headed home at around 5 after meeting with Georges sister who was thinking of buying a house in the same little village.

I had a stomach-ache all the way home and couldn't think of eating ANYTHING later on, but as we got home Florence started cooking immeadiatley.. During the day I had been in contact with the other swede here in Clermont-Ferrand and as I got home we decided that we should meet and take a walk on Sunday.

We ate and afterwards I had a LONG healthy sleep, I think I slept somewhere around 13 hours that night..

I woke Sunday somewhere around 11:30 and went down to have a small breakfast before lunch at 12:30. I was still feeling my stomach from yesterday so I didn't it very much of the very good Lasagna that Florence had cooked.

Afterwards, Florence and Georges went biking in the mountains and the boys returned to their studies. Ah well, Quentin started playing Black&White and I have no idea what Vincent did. I took a shower and then started heading for inner Ceyrat where I was going to meet Ethel. Since I had no idea how to get there, where to go or how to meet, I called her as soon as I got out of the house. She sounded like a very nice girl on phone so it was with a light heart I set out to find my way. Turns out it was almost 1,5 km from Boissejours to Ceyrat - and walking in jeans, longarmed sweater and a "mössa"(english word, gawsh?) in the hot October sun wasn't my kind of cup of tea. As I got to Ceyrat and met with Ethel we started walking around as we had agreed. I after a while mentioned that I was beginning to feel rather thirsty so a place where I could spend some Euros on a drink would be highly appreciated.

Unfortunately, all of Ceyrat is closed down ALL SUNDAYS. After walking around in Ceyrat for almost 2 hours we found a park-bench where we sat down and talked some more - for an hour or so. We after that started "heading home" walking in the direction of Boissejours. We took small passages and winding small roads so the walk took about another hour. All and all a good days exercise with nice company for 4 hours! Wonderful!

Home again, I ate dinner with the others. Leftovers of lasagna, freshly picked cooked mushrooms, "sallad" and the usual cheese and prune-pie.

Back to school today. "Pas des problemes."

Explication for all pictures:
1: First of all we have Mme Pont who is a wonderful philosophy teacher, she's like the female French Sören! Just has to be perpetuated, right?
2: Toasts in Champomy(like Pommac) - around two weeks ago - to celebrate Delphine's drivers license!
3: A "panorama" over the central parts of Clermont-Ferrand.
4: One morning the sunrise was so beautiful it just had to be perpetuated, so here it is, sunrise over the internat.
5: The lights in Delphine's elevator, very classy artistic lighting.
6-7: At Mickaëls place one week ago, Pauline had here fire-poi with her, I decided not to try and instead take these shots. N° 6 is Pauline and N° 7 is Mickaël.
8: This wednesday I was invited for a pick-nick at Puy-de-Dôme with Anouk, Delphine and Marion and the weather and views were magnificent.
9: Puy-de-Dôme is a popular place for parachuters, this is one of them on this day.
10: As I had said that the prejudice against French is that they all wear berets and have a baguette, Delphine went "bazongas" when she saw a man with a beret on Puy-de-Dôme, she went over to him and asked him to hold the baguette while she took the picture. Turns out the guy was SWISS.
11-12: Found this awesomely beautiful thistle on the Dôme.
13: The girls at the Pick-nick.
14-15: From the trip with the family this weekend.


  1. Åh, en svensk sören, vilken grej alltså... Men vad är det för fel på dom! Hur kan ett folk som i princip aldrig klarar att lära sig mer än sitt modersmål vara så oförstående på den här punkten?

  2. Det är nog den inprogrammerade pappersmaskinen som rullar sâ vackert.. Jag förstâr det inte heller.. Men nu jävlar ska jag visa att det inte bara är fransmännen som är revolutionärer!


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