8/10 - Bonsai
Another Photoblog, this time with a little text aswell!:

My room viewed from the bed.

These cute minibuses traverse all the town! || Cathedral - astounding.

My piece I'm working on. || Ethel with Mathieu - her correspondant brother.

The whole Cinema-gang!
Marion, Clementine, Héloise, ___ , Mathieu
Ethel, Delphine.
I have had a pretty busy weekend now..! At Saturday, after lunch, I went home to my family where they were sitting and eating together with one of their daughters who was home during the weekend. I of course sat down, talked and was polite - as usual. I learnt she's studying art at the Paris university, and I must say, she's done some interesting work!
I later started working on my "Explication de Texte" about Descartes.. It was all going quite okay till I suddenly realized, I didn't understand the text, even though I've gotten it explained to me. So I quit.
I had been invited to watch a film together with Ethel - the Swedish girl, Delphine, Marion and some other of their friends, common and uncommon, so I phoned Delphine to let her know I was coming along and then sat down with Descartes again.
At 1820 Delphine picked me up and we headed first for Héloise's house to pick her up and then in to town. We met the others at Place Jaude as me and Ethel had decided. It turns out they have been waiting and debated where to go eat for the last 10 minutes without getting somewhere.
Of course, we started debating aswell as I was hungry as ever. So after another 10 minutes, we decided to go a Kebab-house. When I finally had placed my order we were apparently too late to watch Le Parfum which was the film we were supposed to see. Therefore, we had two options: wait twenty minutes for the same film but this time in French, or, watch another film "Little Miss Sunshine" in approx. 10 minutes. However the case, I would have had the time to eat my plate of kebab, and not having to eat it, walking, standing, talking.
But there was one thing I was quite astonished over; I specifically ordered no pommes-frites, but what's the first thing I see when I open up the Kebab-roll? Just the fries! Gah! Ah well, no hard feelings, I at least had something to eat, in contrast with poor Ethel who hadn't been eating for the whole day.
We got to the cinema, paid and entered a huge cine-hall. The film was adorable and absolutely hilariously noir! This one goes on straight to favourites! I'll buy it when I get back to Sweden, definitely(spelling?)!
Sunday, my family had invited Ethel for lunch so I went to meet her somewhere halfway between Boissejours and Ceyrat. We ate a LOT and very good aswell, ovenbaked salmon with salad, french fries and fresh garden tomatoes, finished with a piece of prune- and apple-pie.
We later went for a walk at the nearby hill to collect chestnuts and get some air. We ended up walking in almost 4,5 hours!
Anyway, now another schoolday starts so I have to rush along to english-class which for me means vacation.
Thanks Âsa for your letter :-) You don't know how happy you have made me (-;
Bisous from the library!

My room viewed from the bed.

These cute minibuses traverse all the town! || Cathedral - astounding.

My piece I'm working on. || Ethel with Mathieu - her correspondant brother.

The whole Cinema-gang!
Marion, Clementine, Héloise, ___ , Mathieu
Ethel, Delphine.
I have had a pretty busy weekend now..! At Saturday, after lunch, I went home to my family where they were sitting and eating together with one of their daughters who was home during the weekend. I of course sat down, talked and was polite - as usual. I learnt she's studying art at the Paris university, and I must say, she's done some interesting work!
I later started working on my "Explication de Texte" about Descartes.. It was all going quite okay till I suddenly realized, I didn't understand the text, even though I've gotten it explained to me. So I quit.
I had been invited to watch a film together with Ethel - the Swedish girl, Delphine, Marion and some other of their friends, common and uncommon, so I phoned Delphine to let her know I was coming along and then sat down with Descartes again.
At 1820 Delphine picked me up and we headed first for Héloise's house to pick her up and then in to town. We met the others at Place Jaude as me and Ethel had decided. It turns out they have been waiting and debated where to go eat for the last 10 minutes without getting somewhere.
Of course, we started debating aswell as I was hungry as ever. So after another 10 minutes, we decided to go a Kebab-house. When I finally had placed my order we were apparently too late to watch Le Parfum which was the film we were supposed to see. Therefore, we had two options: wait twenty minutes for the same film but this time in French, or, watch another film "Little Miss Sunshine" in approx. 10 minutes. However the case, I would have had the time to eat my plate of kebab, and not having to eat it, walking, standing, talking.
But there was one thing I was quite astonished over; I specifically ordered no pommes-frites, but what's the first thing I see when I open up the Kebab-roll? Just the fries! Gah! Ah well, no hard feelings, I at least had something to eat, in contrast with poor Ethel who hadn't been eating for the whole day.
We got to the cinema, paid and entered a huge cine-hall. The film was adorable and absolutely hilariously noir! This one goes on straight to favourites! I'll buy it when I get back to Sweden, definitely(spelling?)!
Sunday, my family had invited Ethel for lunch so I went to meet her somewhere halfway between Boissejours and Ceyrat. We ate a LOT and very good aswell, ovenbaked salmon with salad, french fries and fresh garden tomatoes, finished with a piece of prune- and apple-pie.
We later went for a walk at the nearby hill to collect chestnuts and get some air. We ended up walking in almost 4,5 hours!
Anyway, now another schoolday starts so I have to rush along to english-class which for me means vacation.
Thanks Âsa for your letter :-) You don't know how happy you have made me (-;
Bisous from the library!
Fan mannen låter som att du börjar bli hemmastad där nere. Flickvänn å allt :P.. Haha närå nu ska jag inte retas.
SvaraRaderaAllt e kungligt här hemma, har haft min bästa helg på länge :D
Saknar dig mannen kommer du hem till jul?
Tjenare tjockis!
SvaraRaderaJag hoppas du håller dig borta från vin,ost och baguetter. Annars kommer du bli en fransman... Och det vill vi ju inte eller hur? Bara varnar för hur lätt det är att falla ner i det franska träsket som sedan leder till homosexualitet som sedan leder till knarkträsket.Närå, skojar bara som vanligt =P.
Hoppas du har det fett bra, har inte hunnit läsa din blogg på ett tag :/ . Men nu så är jag igång med läsandet igen :D .
Ha de bäst!!
Kram på dig tamejfan! / micro med stort "M"
@Victor: Nu hâller du käften käre vän :P FLICKVÄN?! Övfer min döda apa! Nej tack, jag vill inte, inte nu, inte med hon, inte alls faktiskt. :P
SvaraRaderaÂhâ, vad har hänt dâ dâ victor? Nu vill jag höra!=) Japp, till Jul kommer jag hem, längtar redan nâtt överjävligt faktiskt!
Saknar dig! Pussar!
@micro med litet "M": Haha, ost och baguetter serveras varje dag pâ skolan - tre gânger om dagen, tyvärr kan jag ju inte säga samma sak om vinet;) Du tro mig.. Jag har redan sett och träffat mer potentiella homosexuella människor här än vad jag nânsin gjort i Sverige!
haha, jag skriver ju som en tjur sâ det Är mycket att läsa för dig! Hoppas att du har det kalas! Saknar dig mannen!