30/10 - As things appear to be.

It's no fun being sick.. No fun at all.

For three days in a row now, I've been having major headaches and stomachaches. What an awesome way to start ones vacation on! I've meddled numerous ideas of what it might be with Florence but now, when I finally know, she doesn't believe me.. I mean, how hard can it be? I know the symptoms, and I definitely know this is it, so just give me the meds and know I'm not 5 years old just because I speak french like one! Of course, by natural reasons, I can't start yelling in anyones face like that.

So what have I been doing these days?

What a HARD day in school this was! Watched Indigènes for approx. 2 hours and then the day was at an end. I ate as usual at the school-cafeteria.

Afterwards I went with Anne-Lise to get a cup of coffee and chat a little. We had a great time and afterwards we exchanged numbers if anyone of us would feel like doing something during the vacancy. She followed me to the bus and then we parted in different directions, she went to see a friend and I went home to the family. Didn't really do much, save eating salt-liquorice which my mother had been so kind to send me.

This was the day I decided to do jack shit, meaning of course, nothing. I sat at the computer, I read, I slept, I ate, I drank when I needed - everything in my own pace. Perfect.

Finished the day by talking away one hour with my mother.

Reading is nice!

I read more than I ever thought possible for me, around 150 pages during just one day. That means almost 25 chapters for you Mr. Holmes! Well, I also start having major stomach-aches so there's not much more that I would like to do either. At the evening I eat enormous amounts of food since there's a dinner for many a people!

This is the day when the shit hits the fan. . I wake up, having an enormous amount of pain in the lower and upper regions of my stomach, so I'm thinking it's perhaps my old chatarr which feels like paying a revisit.

I don't eat much and explain why. I also say that I'm going out to see a friend in my class later in the afternoon.

I get in to Clermont at approx. 15:00 and wait just a few minutes before Sonia appears "out of the blue", we talk, we laugh and we go to FNAC to look into their huuge selection of manga. After some time strotting around, reading, looking in to different shops etc. we decide to get along to her place for the BATTLE to begin! She serves me with a glass of coke and some bread and biscuits and stuff and we start fighting, on screen naturally! Marion comes along as well and starts fighting with the rest of us! She humiliates me at both Tekken4 and 5 but no hard feelings, it's all fun and games! I come home somewhere around seven'o'clock and get to bed around 23:00.

After not regaining my health I still have an enormous stomach-ache and on top of it all I get a major migraine aswell..! I skip lunch and sleep after taking two Eeze and drinking water. I get up at 14:30 again to eat 3 potatoes with butter and salt and finish with a yoghurt with raspberry-jam. The potatoes were okay but why on earth did I eat that yoghurt..? I mean come on! When I have an irritated stomach it's not very intelligent eating something you know you've reacted on earlier!

Ah well, never mind. I went out walking at 15:00 thinking I would just take a short walk around the neighbourhood. When I after an hour realize I've ended up in another part of town I start heading back. I ended up walking for almost three and a half hours, so when I got home I was in serious need of a shower since I could sense the smell of my own perspiration.

After a long, well-needed and HOT shower I dress and start reading some more. "Tärningsspelaren" is a captivating, interesting and completely absurd book. Mindbending, fun and puzzling to say the least.

I don't eat very much but I try to be social with our newly arrived guests, Florences brother Philippe, and her sisters children Rafael and (Anna?).

Get to bed somewhere around 21:30 and fall asleep at 23:00 after moaning alone in my bed.


I today decided to skip my usual bowl of sterilized milk(*shrug*), coconut-müesli and jam and decided that my stomach needed something to work with so I ate two slices of bread and a cup of tea and as Flo told me that the whole family was going to go shopping for food I saw my chance to buy me some oat-meal-material so I of course tag along.

We drive, or, Quentin drives and the rest of us pray for our lives in the back seat. Okay, I overexaggerate a bit, but he doesn't drive directly calm. We end up shopping for about 2 hours with me finding the stuff I was looking for and some peripherials. Well, now I have to go so I bid you all farewell and hope you all feel better than I do!

Loads of love from the backroom!



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