6/10 - Falling.

I'm sitting here in the library once more after a quite extrordinary and terrifying day..

I awoke at the usual 6:50 and got out of bed to be able to check once more I had all my things packed for the day. I had this feeling I had been sleeping extremely heavy since when the alarm went off, it started ringing in the far distance.

I packed my stuff and headed for breakfast. Same "demi-wholegrain"-bread, bowl of tea, glass of orangejuice, yoghurt but today they also served leftover fruits which for me meant a banana!

I got to my historylesson which today was transformed in to the premier geographylesson. I sat there, trying to take notes, trying to think in french but soon realized that I had major difficulties with both my concentration and my understanding. I always find it difficult, but today it was as if the teacher all of a sudden started speaking Greek or latin or some completely different language. First I thought it was only because I was more tired than usual and that it was early in the morning, but when the world around litterarly started turning I started sensing something was wrong.

I endured the first hour, the break, and twenty minutes in on the second half of the lesson when I realized my ship was sinking.

I raised my hand and said I needed to go to the Infermerie (Schoolnursery, skolhälsovârden) to get some help. As I got up I realized I had no balance and my legs were weakening under me so I had to hold on to something. I got out of the classroom and had a sentinemental breakdown because I had no idea what was happening. Marion and Sofiane (guy, not a girl..!) had promised to help me so they more or less dragged the half-sobbing dizzy-near-to-vomiting-frail Swede to the Infermerie. I think I cried almost all the way, or half-cried really. My head kind of felt like an exploaded goat-cadaver on speed.. Not very well that is to say.

I explained what had happened for the school-nurses and they lead me to a room where I could lie down. I lay down and they checked my bloodpressure, asking the ordinary questions "What have you eaten? How have you been sleeping? Do you have any cardial-diseases?". I ended up lying in that bed for almost 2 and a half hour. Half-awake, half-dreaming. I drank a glass of something containing paracetamol and "awoke" at 1200 .

Florence had been notified so she came to see me aswell. I was feeling somewhat better so I convinced them I was strong enough to go on the rest of the day.

I was hungry as wolf so I passed the SELF and went to eat with Delphine, Marion and Sandrie at Quick. 2 LARGE burgers, a large coke and a pack of Fries later we headed for Delphines house, where I slept another 2,5 hours..

Well, after a catastrophical control in Allemand I'm now going to the Internat to rest myself some more.


Loads of love from the library!



  1. tror det är all den där jävla franska smörmaten du äter som gör att du mår som du mår.. :P
    Nu sitter iaf jag på Arlanda, suttit här sen nio, alltså bara 5 timmar kvar tills mitt flyg går:D jag har fixat bilddagboken som alla andra, heter Ruub där, tänkte dra upp ett tjugotal bilder varannan da eller så från kenya, check regularly;) Tror snabblänken än ruub.bilddagboken.se eller dylikt:D Peace out brother!:) Snart kommer du hem ju!;) KISS

  2. Kiss som i kyss alltså... ;)

  3. Ruub! Jag tror att jag hâller pâ att gâ in i väggen av för mycket runt mig och för dâlig mat, sâ ja, det ligger mer än vad du tror i det du säger!
    Grymt som fan! Hur känns det nu? Jag antar att du har kommit fram vid det här laget? :D Ska genast lägga in den pâ favoriter! Hälsa Hanna och sâ ses vi SNART! :D KISS (nae? Är du säker pâ det..? ;P)

  4. haha, låter tungt mannen. Du skulle ha vart i Arjeplog och festat istället ;) Marknadshelgen var precis, dvs fetaste festen på året =) party hela helgen, så nu är man lite slut, men skoj var det :p Ha det bra och dröm inte om några hemligheter ;)

  5. Allman: Nae? fan va fett:) Marknadskalas i Arjan kan ju aldrig bli fel! Vad blir det nu när du har slutat? Ska du utbilda dig vidare däruppe eller blir det att jobba? Haha jag kan tänka mig att man blir lite mör efter en hel helg!

    Tack, ska försöka! Du fâr ha det kung du med mannen!


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