09/11 - You worry too much.

Gawsh frigging thousands thundering cows I'm pissed..

This country has had the best of me.. First of all, I don't know who, what, when or even why, but the first thing that broke was of course my big headphones.. Broke after the premiere month, thank you very much.

Then I told the guys at the Internat to be CAREFUL with my other pair of small in-ear headphones, but of course they broke after someone started swinging them and banging them in to walls..

THEN, TODAY of all days, my iPod decides to break down! What the FµçK have I done wrong?

Well, I've finished my song, had a lot of spare rage today.. It'll be up later.

And right now, I'm a friend with special Privilieges, thanks Ethel. Du är allt för söt!


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