21/11 - 29 Days

Böcker hittills lästa:
Franska: Battle Royale 1 - Koshun Takami
Franska: Battle Royale 2 - Koshun Takami
Franska: Battle Royale 3 - Koshun Takami
Franska: Battle Royale 4 - Koshun Takami
Engelska: A Game of Thrones - George RR. Martin
Svenska: Tärningsspelaren - Luke Rhinehart
Svenska: Jag skulle vilja att nâgon väntade pâ mig nâgonstans - Anna Gavalda

In progress:
Franska: Les Contes - Charles Perrault
Franska: Battle Royale 5 - Koshun Takami
Engelska: The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
Engelska: The Caves of Périgord - Martin Walker

It's disgusting! How come I like books so much? Ah well, I guess I inherited that from my mother! One can inherit things far worse, so what good does it do complaining about a gateway out of reality, really?

Photo- explanation -time!

During the holidays of Tous-saints (Alla helgona) I spent most of my time in bed since I was really sick. But there were always guests in the house.

We had Raphaël (photo) - a cousin, his sister (name?), Quentins uncle (name?), Florence's parents (ergo: Grandparents)(name?), two of my host-sisters - Gaëlle(photo) and (Name?), all together to celebrate THREE birthdays(photo). We had a nice time together, ate a lof of sweet-tasting food and went to the enormous cinema-complex "Ciné-dôme" (photo)to watch "El labyrinto del Fauno" - a spanish film which was really interesting and really good!

At the end of the holidays I went to Paris to meet all the other Swedish participants. After eating together in a "restaurant" - actually worse than my school cafeteria - a group of people - among them me - decided to go the Louvre (photo of the famous Glass-pyramid), which was free of entry-fee and open.

Lina(?), Sofie(7th photo) and Julia, Marie (8th photo), and Victor (9th photo) among others did a QUICK tour around the whole thing and later went searching for a bar. We got to bed awefully early to enjoy a morning strall in Paris.

Julia n°2, Staffan, Victor and Erik(12th photo) went inside the fabulous Notre-Dâme (11th photo) cathedral and later up to Sacre-Coeur - which I've already visited but it's wonderful anyway. Since Sacre-Coeur lies in Montmartre which is more or less the "Red-light-district" of Paris we saw a lot of - hrrm - disturbing shops (13th photo).. We decided to pay a visit to just this particular shop and went in to a haven for all kinds of perverts. The fun thing though is that they wouldn't let Staffan go inside because he "didn't look 18" but when he explained he was from Sweden, the manager smiled and let him in with a nod.. Geesh..

We were also searching for a toilet, so when we FINALLY found one it had to be perpetuated (14th photo).

The day after - meaning Sunday, we paid a visit to the Eiffel Tower (Photos 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21) - which made me miss my train. It was only me and Victor who decided to go up all the way, and damn, it was high up..

Back in Clermont, the famous Tram had started rolling - just testing it - but still, rolling. So when I was going through town with Ethel we saw that the Tram had stopped (probably derailed - again) just at the most trafficked crossover in all of central Clermont.. Busses, cars, lorries - all were jammed because of the Tram (22nd photo).. How I laughed!

I also found the road of hell - Rue d'Enfer(23rd photo).. Who would want to live there I ask..?

Another update with more updated info later.


  1. http://Tjoffex.bilddagboken.se/index.php?main=L3Avc2hvdy5odG1sP2lkPTE4MDYyNjQwJnQ9MTE2MjUwODQwMSZjdXJyaW1nPTg

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