10/11 - See You Soon

Why can't my iPod just work? Why can't it even be charged?

Marion tried to fix it yesterday and it WORKED, for about 5 minutes, afterwards when I had returned to the Internat it didn't work at all. It made "funny" noises, couldn't find any music, couldn't move, couldn't be turned off and it couldn't be charged. So right now, it's totally dead, and so is my universe away from home aswell. How can I know listen to "Day Five: Voices", "Day Three: Pain", "Louden", "See You Soon" and "Sunspirit (Ivan Gouche & Luke Chable Remix)"? How can I know dream away to Elithoras thundering techno-set from Linköping? MERDE is about the only word that comes to mind.. I can only hope the insurance covers this mess, well I know the guarantee does, but hey, anyway..

The song, yeah, I promised you all a song, so here it is.
©Fredrik Scheike, 2006.

Vers 1: Now you never wanted to listen so I'll tell you whats up x3
So you back yourself down, and shut the fuck up!
So you thought that yould play me and fuck off without even pay me,
leave me bleeding and alone, like you thought it was written in stone?

Vers 2:
But I have not forgotten, how you left my corpse for rotting
How your mocking laughter, burned my heart forever and and after
My hatred has been my healing force, now I strike with no remorse!

Refr 1:
I have been walking tall,
I have taken it all,
I have wailed at walls
But expect my repayment RAW
Time is past you paid
Paid for whatver you say
So bring, all your tears
Pay with your brooding fears
From this day I swear
I'll be your worst NIGHTMARE.

Vers 3:
Let me tell you, you're all alone, defenseless despite your throne
'Cause I have penetrated your inner circles and places sacred.
Burned a bleeding hole, through everything you thought you know
So do what your people told, 'cause I won't rest until you're mold.

Refr 2:
I've fought all your clones,
People have rattled my bones
I have stood the stones
Blood is my newfound COIN
Run for miles and miles,
you can't escape my raging fires
I've gone to kill and maim,
Learnt the rules of your game.
Since you are the one to blame

Vocal FX: Oh my god, from the depths I call you, for I know I've wronged and I know my sins. Give me absolution so my soul may be at peace. For I wish not to perish as a being dressed in robes of betrayal.

Refr 1.
©Fredrik Scheike 2006________________________
I've got no idea if it's possible to make something out of this, but I'll give it a shot as soon as I get home.


  1. Fredrik je peux sauver une partie de tes CD de transe etc... Tu te souviens de ma Play List? :) :)
    Don't worry!

  2. Precis, ja håller med tidigare talare...!! ;)
    Om 37 dagar e du hemma wtf!;)


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