
Visar inlägg från augusti, 2011

Living Conditions Improved!

GAAAAAAAAH!! Just gotta say it again! GAAAAAAAAH!!!!! Superexcited right now! I went ahead and signed the contract for the apartment I went to look at yesterday! It's signed, deposit paid and KEYS ARE IN EMEFFING BAG!! Or more in my pocket, but you know what I mean...! I'm going to be, as of Thursday, a resident of 67E 97th St.! It's upper-east midtown Manhattan and the area feels great. It's like two blocks from the subway and I got a 20min commute to school - and I don't even have to change trains! The apartment's going to be split 3-ways. Tim, Me and another guy who we still have to find. But that won't be a problem. 6 viewings yesterday and another 6 today! This feels great! Otherwise I had a huge day on Skype yesterday. First a good hour talk with Isabelle - who's one of the most supporting people yet and that feels amazing..! Hell, she's sometimes even more excited than me! We spaced out and had a blast up until the point where my int

Hurricane Closure

OH! Another great thing about the hurricane finally gone? I CAN FINALLY GET SOME EFFING COFFEE!!! I had a hard time Saturday and Sunday was killing me.. Good thing I've cut back....;-) Don't be a stranger! Loves

Hurricane Roundup

Hurricane Irene turned in to Tropical Storm Irene, not too much damage was done to NYC for two reasons I believe; a) extreme precaution and great preparation from the city officials and b) she didn't hit as hard as they expected. Winds and gusts were hard, for sure, rain was falling heavy but not with the intensity they projected. Great news actually, for everyone. I am on the other hand struggling. It seems like all the apartments I contact get rented out just right under my nose. Well, I got one tidying today and I'm REALLY HOPING everything goes well. I've extended my stay some 4 more nights longer than I had originally booked. But what can you do? I NEED a place to stay.. My computer is unfortunately falling in pieces. But if I wait one week, I'll be able to pick one up with a 10% discount. That adds up to quite a lot considering the computer I'm looking at is at 2499$.. I now look forward to school in SO many ways! Haha! Don't be a stranger! Loves

Hurricane Update

I'm right now in the middle of the hurricane's projected path and I must say, New York city is getting prepared and they're doing it good - as far as I can tell. So what's going on? How have I prepared?

Showers And Apartments

Oh wow - what a day! The first 24 hours I've spent here in New York - I haven't been able to let that sheepish, foolish and very touristy smile go.. I must have looked as sane as a duck on crystal meth - but I don't care, I'm super excited to be here!


Is there anything more pretentious and worn out than the saying (expression, really) - D-DAY? Well, this time around after all the "I-can't-believe-it"s I think it's just in it's right place to use it!

None Who Live Downtown

Kvällshaiku: jag precis som du är aldrig något annat än summan av oss. jag tänker, alltså finns total medvetenhet likaså intet svart mörk brun färgad vit röd gul grön, allt smälter samman i respekt Och nu annat.. Mer fri poesi, utan egentliga regler och riktlinjer. Poesi för 2000-talet alltså. kärleken likt en levande organism, likt ett nyfött barn som tar stapplande steg. i behov av näring, omtanke, vård, den kräver uppriktighet, underhåll, öppenhet, och ger trefalt och naivt tillbaka av lycka, värme, närhet. Fredrik Scheike, samtliga, 21/8.


"Gah, I can't really believe it!" This will probably be the phrase most people are gonna hear from me the most.. And it's probably a phrase most of you are getting sick of hearing right about now.

Booked Up

As of Wednesday the 24th, I'm going to feel like I'm 9000 miles away!

Still Waiting

Still I'm waiting...


So these are the two monologues I will audition with at the academy!


Wow, these past few days have been amazing - in so many ways!

Visa Appointment in Stockholm

It really feels like a dream sometimes. Heading out to live in one of the coolest cities on the planet, I mean, is there anyone out there who hasn't heard of NY? A couple of days ago, I must admit, it all felt like a nightmare.. I had to head out to the embassy in Stockholm to have an interview with, what I (naively) thought would be the ambassador - but of course he's got staff taking care of all that. I got the information that it would take around 5-15 minutes, so, since I had an interview at 0900 - I figured out I would be out by 0930 at the latest! Once I got there, I realised I had around 25 people before me but still figured I'd be in and out in good time - I was there 40 minutes before my scheduled time!

First Thoughts

So what's up? Another blog? I'll be damned!

Set This Fucker Off

Mindre än 48 timmar tills jag försvinner från Östersund denna gång. Denna gången känns det dock sjukt mycket mer verkligt och läskigt än tidigare. Jag kan inte beskriva det, men jag antar att det beror på att jag för första gången åker så pass långt - så pass ensam. Jag känner ju inte en käft i New York och nu ska jag helt plötsligt bo där i minst ett år. Jag har pluggat utomlands tidigare, men skillnaden mellan att bo i London eller Clermont-Ferrand och att bo i New York är inte bara en skillnad i tidzon - det är faktiskt en astronomisk skillnad. London är en underbar stad, missförstå mig alltså rätt - men då är New York som att någon har tagit två London och lagt de ovanpå varandra. Inte bara för höghusen utan för stämningen och kulturen. Det är riktigt spännande och jag är helt övertygad om att jag kommer lyckas (på ett eller annat sätt). Bilen, förstärkaren och fyra högtalare och datorsurroundet är iaf sålt så det gav i runda slängar nästan 12000:- bara sådär. Känns fruktansvärt b

And Like That, He's Gone

att jag inte lärt mig, nått jag aldrig kommer göra, att jag fortsätter tro, men det är inget annat att göra, det är inte att jag letar, inte ens att jag söker, bara hoppet om att hitta, då jag låtsas som jag inte försöker. att jag saknar, trots att vi är ansikte mot ansikte, att jag missar, med bollen fri och öppet mål i sikte. jag blir blindare, med öppna ögon, jag blir ensammare, med någon. ord. desperat, dåligt, patetiskt, tomt. ord. ord. i hopp om att hörsammas, försvinner meningen. ord. inget kan de längre ge. Fan. Fredrik Scheike, 1/08/11