Showers And Apartments

Oh wow - what a day! The first 24 hours I've spent here in New York - I haven't been able to let that sheepish, foolish and very touristy smile go.. I must have looked as sane as a duck on crystal meth - but I don't care, I'm super excited to be here!

I first woke up at like 2:30 this morning due to a faulty set alarm on my iPod. I wasn't jetlagged at all so I had no problem falling a sleep again. I woke up again at 7:30, still tired but excited, but I decided to snooze for another hour. I had no appointment made and nowhere to be today besides meeting my admissions counselor and the internationl department of my school - so I decided to slow-start. I finally got up around 9 and decided I would wait for my camera to charge. It took around an hour and a half and by the end of it, I started getting really hungry - thank god for Starbucks sometimes!

I've been missing the sort of cheap completely oversized mugs of coffee and the delicious and totally irresistable paninis with mozzarella and roasted tomatoes! They're scrumptious! As I was sitting there and enjoying every last bite of it, heaven opened itself up. It was literally pouring down, raining - not cats and dogs, but lions and werewolves.. I hadn't brought an umbrella so I sat waiting for things to cool off a little.

I started moving towards the school when it happened again. It was like someone was controlling a tap everytime I stepped out of hiding. I decided not to fight it in the end and I ended up at the Academy looking like a poor frightened little dog who just had his first bath. I was soaked, from clothes to bone so I made a mess in the waiting couch - because of course - when I came, the guy was busy, but understandably I didn't want to go outside and wait. After a while I met him and a bunch of others and I got so much information, help and encouragement. I can honestly say I'm reaaally excited to start on September 7th..!

The rest of my day I've been skyline watching, building spotting and people looking practically the entire day. I've been walking around, just trying to grasp the feeling of New York and New Yorkers and I remembered instantly why I fell in love with the city. I had some Indian vegetarian stew for lunch in a park (in between showers, luckily) and I've stopped at around three Starbucks (to escape the rain, of course, eehrrmmm..). This evening I've been looking up apartments both on craigslist and on the forum that the Swedish Church provides. Hopefully I'll get an answer soon 'cause I don't like paying 115$/night when I could be paying 800$ for an entire month! And quite frankly, this hostel is sort of rank, one of the shower's smells like piss and my room's extremely hot. Even though I hate it, I wouldn't survive without my A/C.

Now I'm off to grab a beer and burger or something like it, it's getting close to dinner time and I think I deserve to grab my first beer here this time around!

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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