Visa Appointment in Stockholm

It really feels like a dream sometimes. Heading out to live in one of the coolest cities on the planet, I mean, is there anyone out there who hasn't heard of NY?

A couple of days ago, I must admit, it all felt like a nightmare.. I had to head out to the embassy in Stockholm to have an interview with, what I (naively) thought would be the ambassador - but of course he's got staff taking care of all that. I got the information that it would take around 5-15 minutes, so, since I had an interview at 0900 - I figured out I would be out by 0930 at the latest! Once I got there, I realised I had around 25 people before me but still figured I'd be in and out in good time - I was there 40 minutes before my scheduled time!

After standing in line for what seemed like forever I got more and more nervous. Were all my papers in check, had I dressed up accordingly, what questions could I POSSIBLY fuck up?

After around two hours in line I finally got in to the embassy - only to realise I would have to stand in line even more..

All in all, before I got to my appointment, I'd been waiting around for 3 hours! The interview itself? All over in 3 minutes and three questions later..!

And yes, even though I was nervous I must have managed to keep it together - 'cause within/in 10 days my visa will be delivered to me!

So the nightmare ended and the dream resumed!

Don't be a stranger! Loves


  1. Clayton Carpenter17 augusti 2011 kl. 14:33

    I love going to the embassy. I get to skip most of the line as I'm American.


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