
"Gah, I can't really believe it!" This will probably be the phrase most people are gonna hear from me the most.. And it's probably a phrase most of you are getting sick of hearing right about now.

But in all honesty, I can't really believe this is finally happening. All of my preparations over the last couple of months has been leading up to this point. Well to be completely honest, the paperpushing back and forth has not really been a pain in the ass, it's just really been a long process - but still.. Now it's finally happening!

Sure the plan all along was to apply to an artistic school - but I was going to apply for culinary arts - not performing arts! Here I am though and I really must say it feels fantastic. Knowing that in less than three days I'll be leaving Sweden for at least a year - maybe longer - to really take a chance, a leap of faith if you prefer, feels great. It takes a large portion of both courage, stupidity and naivity to do this and I feel like I've received a little of all of those.

What's a chance - if you don't take it?

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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