Hurricane Roundup

Hurricane Irene turned in to Tropical Storm Irene, not too much damage was done to NYC for two reasons I believe; a) extreme precaution and great preparation from the city officials and b) she didn't hit as hard as they expected. Winds and gusts were hard, for sure, rain was falling heavy but not with the intensity they projected. Great news actually, for everyone.

I am on the other hand struggling. It seems like all the apartments I contact get rented out just right under my nose. Well, I got one tidying today and I'm REALLY HOPING everything goes well. I've extended my stay some 4 more nights longer than I had originally booked. But what can you do? I NEED a place to stay..

My computer is unfortunately falling in pieces. But if I wait one week, I'll be able to pick one up with a 10% discount. That adds up to quite a lot considering the computer I'm looking at is at 2499$.. I now look forward to school in SO many ways! Haha!

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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