Hurricane Update

I'm right now in the middle of the hurricane's projected path and I must say, New York city is getting prepared and they're doing it good - as far as I can tell. So what's going on? How have I prepared?

This has gotten some huge media coverage. No wonder, this is huge, it's actually the biggest storm that the east coast and New York has seen for ages. Storm surges are expected to flood the streets and waterlevels in the city is expected to rise approx. 8-12ft above ground level. Not only due to heavy rainfall but also due to the timely, or should I say, untimely tides. The east coast is really affected by tides as it is and what hurricane Irene is bringing is massive amounts of water - on the exact times of hightide surges throughout the coast. And when the storm has passed, the tide, unfortunately is timed to withdraw as well. So swelling at the peak of the storm will cause enormous floods and withdrawing when it has passed will create ripcurrents drawing everything everything out to sea with enormous force. It's pretty insane if you think about it - this will create huge problems for days, maybe weeks to come. Well, there's been a state of emergency declared in almost all of the areas that are going to be affected and the mandatory evacuations have been going smoothly.

Here in New York, people have been acting freakishly honestly. I was out at 10am to buy groceries and stock for the coming storm and in the store, people were pushing, being rude(-er than usual) and almost hostile. In the streets, the cars have basically been going in just one direction. It's kind of weird watching a couple of thousand cars - just using one lane - moving at a "crazed" but mutual speed. Drivers driving from the lower parts of Manhattan actually looked scared, eyes flickering and all. The only cars going in any other direction were cabs and buses for picking up evacuees and large trucks and construction vehicles carrying sandbags and material to board up houses. People I met in the streets were awefully quiet and the lack of everyday conversation and laughter seemed replaced with fear, anxiety and sense of helplessness.

I am of course a little worried, but mostly fascinated. Emergency response was fast and it seems very well coordinated. The information provided by the media is great and the stream of it, well, it's massive but comprehensive. What I find funny though is how Aftonbladet, the Swedish contrary to say "The Sun" or any other tabloid newspaper, really hyped the storm with an air of panic and disaster long before the New York Times or any other newspaper here did. Well, I guess that "catastrophe/disaster" sells more papers than "storm".

I got water stocked, I got juice, proteinbars and chocolate milk for energy, cashewnuts, salad, fruit, crisps, bread and cream cheese and yoghurt for food. I've charged all my battery driven devices, I got a backpack packed if things get hairy and most important of all - enough tv-series and films to last a whole year of storms. Yeah, it was joke but entertainment is important.

Last of all, thank you for all your wishes and concerns - it means a lot! As of right now, the only thing I can do is stay inside and try not to do anything stupid.

Don't be a stranger! Loves


  1. Ja, det bästa Du kan göra är väl att vara försiktig, lyssna och lyda... Var rädd om Dig! Pok!


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