Happy Father's Day!

A BIG congratulations to all you loving fathers out there. You mean so much in all of your children's lives, cherish this day and remember that!

Sadly, I never got to know my father because of a most tragic accident that happened before I was even born. But what I am sure of is that he was a loving and caring man and husband, who, I've gathered by accounts from friends and family, was a radiant man who cared for people around him. It's strange to say that one can love someone who they have never met, but I'm not too bothered with being strange. I love my father for being part of giving me the gift of life. A gift so powerful and meaningful that even in my darkest times, I relish it and marvel at its mystery.

A man who served as a father figure in my life, my granddad, also tragically passed away not too long ago. 4 years, to be exact. He left a hole in my life, that I've only pretty recently have managed to fill up with meaning and strength. I still cry in remembrance of that day, but I also cry because I would want him to see me grow up into something he could be even more proud of than he was. He was a loving man, a great and understanding man, a funny, witty, intelligent and caring man - and I know he imbued people with a sense of security. I loved my granddad and I still do, I think about him all the time.

Fathers, this day is for you and as I send out my words and thoughts of appreciation to you, you are one half of what makes whole.

Don't be a stranger! Loves


  1. Great love <3 and big heart .. ..

  2. We also remeber and miss your grandfather, and of course your Father too, with lots of love. There is a hole in our hearts and we very much wish that they can se you now, a young man with all their fine benefits. Remeber to fetch some letters at our house when you are back in Sw. You are always in our hearts! Love Eva-Marie & Staffan


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