I Just Figured

After coming back from a massive jazz-night out with "the boys" - meaning Casey and Toby I feel like I'm really in the right place.

Everything in it's right place. It's true - for the first time, sadly, I'm being true to who I really am, to what I really want. I'm not afraid to express my thoughts, my feelings, my dreams, my fears and everything that's shaped me in to what I am. I don't. I really don't - and let me tell you - it's fucking liberating.

No censor, no nothing - just pure old me. And I love it. It may sound self-indulgent, and it may even be, but I don't care. I need to take space in this world and yes, I'm going to. I'm through with running, it's now time to stare everything in the white of the eye and take it, not let it take you, for a roller-coaster ride.

A more gathered, subtle and analyzed post will be up later.

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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