Weekly Roundup

What a week this has been, it's been moving, it's been emotional, fun and exciting, nerve wrecking and tiresome. But all other things aside, great none the less.

We've basically just started on our new quarterly schedule last week so that means that we get some new classes, including Shakespeare and Improvisation, but it also means more days. Last week was sort of the same as before, class Monday-Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday - and this week was the same + Wednesday. Now, trust me, I know it doesn't sound a lot to be complaining about - and it really isn't since I've put myself in this boat. But it's tiring on levels that you normally don't get tired on in normal school. We had a huge talk about suicide and suicidal thoughts in our Shakespeare-class, I broke down and cried like I've never cried before in Meisner, I wanted to literally kill someone out of anger the next class and on top of that do stuff outside of school.

This week I've been going to social events, I've been recording voice-overs for a movie and I've been studious trying to keep up with all the text we need to memorize.

Yeah, I was looking forward to having Friday off, which is exactly why I didn't do crap that day! I just sat by my computer until I finally had to leave to go to the premiere of my short. I had invited a serious number of people, but only the few and the brave showed up - haha! I was a little disappointed, I must admit, but I thoroughly enjoyed it anyway. I received a lot of good reviews from classmates, from the audience and from the staff as well. I also had the chance of meeting an EMMY-winning producer who said that my performance was the best of the night. Which made me more than just excited.

We ended up going out for celebratory drinks afterwards and it was a lot of fun even though I didn't have more than three.

Life is a roller-coaster and I just got to have the courage to ride it.

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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