November? More Like Late August

It's really a month to Christmas which means that we're celebrating my first American Thanksgiving. Do you want to know what's crazy about it though? Besides celebrating the killing of Native Americans and the pursuit of the extinction of the turkey of course.

The real craziness is....


We've already had a blizzard, we've had a hurricane and some real cold days, but today it was marvelous - and I love it!

I was just going out to buy more drinks for tonight and of course grabbed my jacket, but when I got my coffee and my groceries I decided to take a little stroll to the park and there I could just sit on a bench and take my jacket off. It's great to have those little moments sometimes - I tend to take them a lot as of late. "Meditation", "being in the now", "search for zen" or just plain self-indulgence, call it what you like, I don't judge. But I need it, and today was a good day for it.

For Thanksgiving, we're cooking a real Thanksgiving meal with my room-mate. We got the turkey, mashed potatoes, green bean-salad, gravy, stuffing, dinner rolls, "pink stuff" (family recipe of something pink and yummy, creative huh?), cream corn, apple, cherry and peach pies, ice cream, fruit salad, cheese, wine, coke, beer, roast potatoes, roast veggies and.... did I miss anything? I don't know, but it's going to be a feast to remember.

Two of my friends are coming over, one of his friends, his girlfriend and his kid so it's going to be really cozy in our little kitchen.

I like the idea of Thanksgiving, because sometimes we take each other for granted, so it's great to have a holiday when we all just give praise to one another. What I don't like about the idea of it is that I believe we need to appreciate each other more, each and every day and that it's sort of sad that we need a special day to do that.

Don't be a stranger! Loves


  1. Yes, I think the idea of Thanksgiving we could import, to appreciate each other more. We really tend to forget that life is lethal...
    Love to You!!

  2. BTW, it's almost spring here as well, +9¤C today! It's impossible to understand it's first Sunday of advent coming on..


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