Audition Diary: "In My Dreams"

When: 6/28/2013
What: "In My Dreams" - trailer for a comedic-sci-fi feature.
Where: Garden Grove Business Park, Garden Grove.
Who: Ari and Dexter in the room, Doug and Veronica in the waiting room

What felt good:
Arrived on time after having been stuck almost 45 minutes in traffic - yay, planning ahead! Made strong choices regarding the character. Didn't go for the obvious choice, but played him up and positive instead of negative and very down. They seemed to like the energy that I brought into the room. I got adjustments and took them like a champ.

What could improve:
Sometimes the obvious is obvious for a reason - they did not particularly like the change of tempo and character that I brought because they wanted him in a very specific way. They even said "that was much better" - which is a weird thing to say, straight after an audition.

Overall I don't know how to feel about the audition; it was a long drive though, so a bit of a change of scenery never hurt. My strong character choice will definitely make me memorable, so I might be able to score a callback, we'll see!

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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