Dream Only Beautiful Dreams

I'm not what you can usually consider a very traditional man, I go about my own way and try to create my own customs. We have certain traditions within our family which I proudly stand by, but other than that, I'd consider myself pretty forward and unbound.

One such tradition that I love keeping alive though is one thing that my grandfather always used to say before bedtime. Whenever I'd go to sleep and he had put me to bed he used to say: "Dream only beautiful dreams" - and we thought it so beautiful we quickly adopted it as our own. It is now my own, for it is the most innocent and potent wish you can ever do upon another, and I love it.

It's a way of saying "I love you", "I'm here for you", "I wish you only the best" and "something greater is watching over you too" - all in one little simple sentence. It's comfort, it's love, it's protection and well being all in one.

That's why I wish everyone I care about the same thing. We face so much shit, tragedy and rejection daily that we don't need nightmares to stay grounded. It's nice to have a refuge in your sleep and in your dreams both during day and night. Dreams empower us, help us and trains our imagination. It's a way of healing all the damage that we've faced during the day, so if you're able to translate it into something beautiful, all the better.

I think the world would be a happier and safer place if we all dreamt beautifully. It'd be a magical and wondrous place.

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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