Even more important than writing down what your feelings are, how you're doing or memories, is writing down your success stories and your hopes and dreams.

I have had a lot of successes in the past week, big and small.

  1. I got great feedback from the director I did "Poker Face" with regarding my skills as an actor. The feedback made me feel so good I almost felt bad. It was honest and it was raw and it strengthened my belief in myself as an actor.
  2. I did two amazing auditions (see previous post) for an untitled feature film this weekend which in both I felt very strongly about my choices and my abilities --
  3. -- which leads to number 3, I got GREAT feedback from the casting director regarding both of the auditions.

    • "Fredrik was so good in this part we had to have him read for the tricky part of Eric. He came in with energy and enthusiasm. Overall, a strong actor."
    • "We liked Fredrik a lot for the role of Robert but we wanted to see him in the role of Eric. He was also very good in this part. He made strong choices and brought a lot of humanity to the part."
  4.  I booked a part! From one of the crappiest auditions I've ever done, "IRS-Jeff". I'm now shooting as "The Boss" on Saturday. Feels good, but strange at the same time!
  5. I keep pushing myself to work out every night, and I can tell the difference from when I started - to now.
  6. One producer who I had completely given up hope on when it comes to shooting this feature she wants me to be involved in called me up Sunday night to schedule a reading on Thursday. "Shame on him that surrenders"!
More successes to come!

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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