declared insane for obvious reasons.

I felt the infinite wind,
killing me with every gust and gale,
the torment of a million spikes,
ripping at my every inch
  at my very being.
As I stood there,
Facing my eternity,
the pieces fell together,
I in unison;
discarded rosepetals I peddle for pocket change,
   I wish you knew me before.
the wind grows stronger,
but we have to stand tall,
an avenue is an avenue because someone named it so,
when my mind is gone,
    my flesh remains.
I fear because I've felt,
and now I feel because I've feared.
We must wrap humanity in gauze,
she's bled for too long.
it's all we've ever felt,
this infinite wind.

Fredrik Scheike, 20/11/2015


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