Meditation 6-10

This is the second bundle of the week, and of the blog in general. And this time because all of the meditations up until today have been really, really powerful in terms of how they've left me. Especially powerful was days 8-10 where the focus has shifted, on how to turn beliefs into actions, and how to make a cohesent set of core beliefs available to you.

What are these beliefs that everyone should carry with them, which everybody should build their persona upon?
  • I'm loving and loveable
  • I'm worthy
  • I'm safe and trusting
  • I'm fulfilled and whole
Which sounds like it might be a piece of cake, and it should be. But life comes in between, and experiences filter themselves into what you build your identity upon. They, unfortunately, manifest themselves deeper than we might think, and we can often feel tempted to add a "but" or an "or" to what should be our core beliefs. "I'm loveable but I don't deserve to be loved" is an example. It's scary what we do and what we tell ourselves not to get hurt and not to be true and open.

I read in an old blog post of mine that I had realized, all the way back when I was around 18, just coming back from living in France, that one of the things, if the not THE thing I was most scared and afraid of was being happy and succesful, because it requires total openness and vulnerability. So does love, which I believe so many people are afraid of just that too.

It's incredible to me how long that belief stuck with me. I was terrified of being happy for the longest time, because I had something telling me not to be vulnerable, or to be myself.

I never want to let go of who I am, and who I've come all this way to discover, and my actions have to be accordingly.

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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