Meditation Experience day 3

I was on set yesterday, for the entire day, and I didn't have my computer with me to do yesterday's meditation, so today's going to be a little back to back. Nor, looking back on it, did I have any sort of time to do the full 20 minutes yesterday, nor did I have internet, so all in all, I did it this morning.

Today's centering thought was; "My true self can be trusted to lead me" and the mantra for the day can be loosely translated into; "My actions and desires are supported by cosmic intelligence" which would be a mouthful to repeat, but apparently it was condensed into three little, vowel-filled words. That's why I say "loosely" translated, because I really doubt that the literal meaning is what you're repeating.

Today I found it really easy to slip into meditation mode. I was easily fully relaxed and with a couple of breaths the world of introspection began to open itself up. Even though relaxed, I had to fight my right eye for wanting to open up, which was easier said than done, but I managed. The colors of my pulse kept sweeping over me in regular waves, but today it was almost nauseating at times. With the relaxation and opening up my imagination I had thoughts rushing in and out of my head. A couple of conversations were played back to me and among them a very vivid memory of one that I had yesterday with the director. Images popped up of people and photographs. The pulsating light of my pulse began to form shapes, and with my imagination I formed something that looked like an Egyptian hieroglyph of a bird. I began to feel the same sadness welling up inside me again as I contemplated some of the questions that lead into the meditation. What are some common beliefs that we negatively hold, or that we use to shield ourselves from the world? "I'm not good enough", "I don't deserve happiness", "People never change", "Nobody listens to me" - beliefs that honestly everyone's felt at least once, or still hold true in their lives.

One of the things that I think made the sadness creep out today, was the confrontation of one or more of these beliefs. "I'm not good enough" and "I don't deserve to be loved" were to powerful ones that popped up in my soul-searching. Things I have to confront where the hell they come from.

As the meditation stopped I still felt sadness, and I still feel a little bit of emptiness inside my belly. And not because of hunger.

What are the negative things and beliefs you limit yourself with?

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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