Meditation Experience Day 1

I just started my third Meditation Experience, well, the first one that I actually do on time, and with the full intention of doing every day and boy was today a challenge.

The centering thought for the day is; "My beliefs enhance my life". With a sanskrit mantra loosely translated to; "I am absolute existence".

Sitting in our dark bedroom, it was easy to relax, but still I struggled. It's like a muscle that you have to workout, or some meditations are simply more powerful than others, in terms of what they awake in you. I felt my mind drifting a little bit, and found myself worrying about both time and the fact that I was occupying the only route to go the bathroom. Which later turned out to be true, I had been an obstacle, it's strange how much you can feel from a distance. I found my mind drifting to New York, memories of people and places, I found myself looking at an Instagram picture, mentally of course, of a beautiful space that one of my friends took today and I found myself thinking about music, and my newest project that I'll be unveiling in time.

As I drifted deeper into relaxation, I got scared shitless when our little cat, who doesn't like closed doors, started to scratch senselessly on the door, which honestly, pulled me out of it for some time.

As the bell rang, I just felt a little more relaxed than before, and I felt my that my breathing had changed into a more, belly-focused "normal" and "good" state of breathing.

To philosophize further on the thought that my beliefs enhance my life, I think I'll need night's sleep to process, because it does awake questions.

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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