Caught Up In the Middle of the Dead of Night

Yes indeed. Time here is around 2:40AM and yours truly is up and about, writing and trying to stay awake..

Why, you ask? Very good question with a very simple answer. I'm expecting a call from Sweden, and if I don't get it, I'm not going to be a happy camper. I called up Rotary International and their office (or so I thought) in Uppsala. Turns out the woman picking up the phone is a hostess of the restaurant where all the local chapters come and eat and congregate. Oh, bummer. But she was very friendly and nice and listened to me, she herself even proposed taking down a message for the Uppsala chapter regarding my application for a scholarship through them in order to study here.

First things first, I reaaaally hope they call me tonight, because otherwise it feels like a waste staying up way past my bedtime. Second, I reaaaaaally hope I'm able to apply and get a scholarship. Especially since N is planning on moving here too. That maximum scholarship would literally mean everything right now.

If they don't call me tonight, I'll stay up tomorrow night too, or at least till 1AM and see if I can get their real number instead of calling the restaurant again.

So how do I entertain myself during this late hour? Just quit playing games and decided to actually do some work instead - as I suspected yesterday my emails amount to a daunting 354. Music constantly in my ears and coffee in my cup. Might call it quits at 3AM and still keep the phone close and loud. Don't want to completely screw myself over in the daily rhythm - even though this is the most important call I've ever waited for (so far). A couple of hours of rest should be okay and when I'm waiting for something, like an alarm or like in this case, a call, I'm a real light sleeper

Time to start checking some of those emails!

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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