I'm Not Giving Up, I'm Just Giving In

I'm weak, what can I say?

I need my sleep. Crashing at 3:30AM is unusual for me. What was even more unusual was that I saw one of my neighbors going upstairs at 2:50AM. DAAAMN that's a long day at work.

I dug up the email addresses of a couple of the Rotary people and decided to try my luck there. It's the first time I'm able to locate the addresses, and believe you me, I've been looking. What's weird now though is that I can't find a single one of the phone numbers I located the other day. Thought I'd slice two hams with one knife, but no siree. I did however write the secretary, the former governor, the new governor and the governor elect - hopefully someone's sitting on all the answers.

Now, not only am I falling asleep, but so are my legs who are absolutely beat after all the driving today. Back and forth to Burbank with HEAVY traffic on the way up, which means a lot of fast breaking and going, and then back and forth to improv, which went great today. I got a huge compliment from my teacher who started dissecting last weeks improv-show down in Santa Monica. He started giving everyone personal critique and praise but got sidetracked after me, so I felt special. He told the entire class that they should all watch me and learn from me because I'm committed to whatever I'm doing. Thank you for that, I try, and I apparently succeed.

Goodnight my fellow night-erasers, or day-lovers, depending on where you are in the world!

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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