Heavy Rains

Usually when I go to bed in this part of the world I hear crickets, a distant helicopter or siren, traffic, birds or the occasional drunk/hobo. Not rain.
It's literally pouring down outside. And, I love it! We've had brushfires and pretty extreme drought over the past couple of weeks and months, so Mother Nature decided to take care of it herself. We needed the rain, and badly. The grass on the lawn where we were shooting on Saturday was yellow and brown and crunched when I stepped on it.
I believe I'm one of the few who actually loves rain. The sounds from it, the feel of it and of course the effects of it. It's a very cleansing feeling - like nature in itself is trying to wash away all that is bad in the world. It's like a release and a relief - and after the rain the smell and feel of the air is as if nature is sighing with a near orgasmic calm.
I've taken loooong walks by myself a lot of times in the rain - some of my friends, especially from my time in New York can attest to that. It cools you off and lets you be on your own - for the most part (there's always someone from the umbrella mafia out too). Few things make me so feel so connected to the Earth as the heavy showers.
My espresso-induced indecision depression took care of itself. I found something mindless, Heroes of Might & Magic 3, to space out with for a while and with that I came out a more stressfree person - just in time for bed. Sometimes you just need a breather from everything you're doing. Especially when 90% of the work you're doing is proactive and from your home. I "relaxed" if you will, before going to bed. So now I know I'll be able to fall asleep and wake up happy. Thank you Mother Nature and thank you Heroes 3.
"The pillow softly,
whispers my name,
The rain sings me lullabies,
Normal sounds drown away;
as the darkness cradles,
   only me,
  and the night becomes my blanket."
Don't be a stranger! Loves


  1. Heroes always helps, even if you have the wrong version (and you know it!)

    /Lord Death


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