Feeling in Spring

Wow, what a long time it has been. Last time I published something here was back in December. Yeah, of 2012, but still. It's more than 5 months ago. Which also means that time has been FLYING by.

I honestly still feel like I still just moved to Los Angeles. August seems so close, both the past and the coming and I don't know how time can be that relative. But it is. And here I am, in May of 2013, writing again. Maybe I should do a video blog? I mean, that's befitting an actor, no? Bleh, I'd rather keep to writing for now, and I will keep this up, for I feel it gives me more liberty and creative space. Weird, I know!

Anyhow, there's a lot of reason's for picking up the "good ol' blog" again.
  1. After having busted my ass off on Thursday, replying to over 40 emails, which around 80% were LONG and very PERSONAL, I realized that I could compile a lot of information for a lot of people by going back to the blog.
  2. I need to write more. It "unclutters" the mind and "unscatters" the brain. This is by no means a free-writing blog (Meisner-reference), it's semi-planned stuff. But also improvised text, that's what comes naturally to me.
  3. Writing a blog is much like writing a diary, and there are so many things I need to keep in my diary, or different diaries (I have a movie diary, a success diary, an audition diary and a contact diary) that I find it easy to collect all of it into one so that I can save the actual paper for my creative writing. Like my poetry. Which I'm picking up again. Yay!
  4. I won't lie, it's nice to have a space to talk about yourself. Shamelessly. Giving away as much as I want, of exactly what I want. So there - you have it. I might be a little narcissistic, but I have yet to meet an artist who's not in any way.
More stuff coming, and more frequent too. Promise!

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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