26/9 - Metamorphoses

Ah Putain!

It feeels gooooood to finish at 10 now a days! But I will still go to the course, just to see if I have to be there! Now you wonder: What is HE talking about?!

I've quit GERMAN! And apparently, if things go the way I want - I'm going to start a course in french with the UNIVERSITY students! Not the french-university-course, but the "french-for-foreigners-university-course"! Could it be any better? I think NOT!

During my "away"-time from here I've been doing sooo much I think I've forgotten half. Last friday after classes, I together with Delphine, Marion and Anouk went on a tour around Clermont. Since Delphine had passed here license last tuesday (on wednesday we drank and toasted in "Champomy", carbonated apple-juice, to celebrate her license - IN THE SCHOOLYARD! Haha) she of course wanted to practice her driving. And I have to say I'm impressed, because seriously, I would go bollocking mad, driving around in this town! The roads are chaotic, the horn sounds all the time and all the crossings are an abomination to all laws of traffic. But it was a really nice tour and I got a nice panorama of Clermont!

Last week I also had a test in litterature which was a control to see how much we've had understood about Ovide and the Metamorphoses. During that lesson, whilst all the others wrote their answers I wrote a 10 lines long excuse clearly expressing my sadness that I didn't understand anything and how I would keep trying till I understood. I also had the time to write a whole letter in Swedish, but I believe that my teacher wasn't all to happy.

This weekend I've been at Mickaëls place to celebrate his birthday which was the 9th of september. I had bought, together with Fanny, Muriel and Pauline, bolas(Poi) for him, and I knew or at least hoped that he would be happy. We set off at 14 after having lunch at McD.. Yes.. I ate a hamburger at McD's.. But I believe or at least, I want to believe that it was for the greater good.

The drive was quite long but fast since we drove at the the Auto-route, we were, to my fear - pushing 150-160 on a wet motorway - during turns and overtakings.. I was never really truly afraid though since Benoit, who was driving, seemed to have control over the situation. But as the rain got more intense, he slowed down as a concious driver.

As we got there the party started - and the smoking with it.. 3 packets or 4 on 3 people - inside the house - during two days..! After dinner we started playing games, both on the XBOX and "ordinary" games. They had a large cask of alcohol so we drank some aswell. Not too much though (Robert feel my eyes;))! When we sat there, drinking a little and playing games something rather weird happened. I got a call on my phone from an unknown number so of course I answered:
"C'est Fredrik"
Ja hej det är Fredrik Scheike.
Hallâ? Salut? Cou-Cou?
*Moaning noises* *a cough* *more moaning* then Click!

I went back inside and told everyone what happened and about 5 seconds later, the telephone rings again. This time I let Yannick answer. He goes on and on in french and I understand around half of what he's saying, he puts on the speaker and suddenly we here a "D'accord" (okay), the telephone then passes to Mickaël who starts speaking in french until the call is broken. I put my phone in my pocket and it starts ringing once more. I let Benoit answer and he puts on the speaker - still there is only silence. He goes on and on, passes it to Mickaël who passes it to Pauline and then the caller hangs up. I take the phone and head for the toilet. And as I sit there, minding my own business it calls once more, I let it ring till it says I got a missed call, I finish and go out to the others. As soon as I get there it starts ringing once more and Mickaël grabs the phone asking why the caller is calling me "Don't you know Fredrik's sleeping?"
"Okay" - Click!

That was the last of that.. But why oh why do I always attract the bizarre? That's like the 4th time something like that have happened to me..!

We went home sunday afternoon after lunch and that's when I realized the dangers of passive smoking. As I got in the car, I felt a pressure over my chest, I felt dizzy, had a hard time breathing and also felt the taste of my own blood in my mouth.. I'm now going to try to carefully avoid cigarettes for the next month or so.

I've posted some pictures but there will be more to come this weekend when I can access the family computer once more!

Gawds, I can't believe I've been here for a month already! I'm soon going home dammit!

Bissous from the Library!




  1. Damn Fredrik, these bloggs are getting longer and longer;) Soon I will stop reading them... or something:)
    Now I've got my new phone btw!:D It's awesome! Don't know why I write in English, maybe it's becouse you've written in english.. :D
    A month in France may go quick, but a month in Sweden without you is the longest possible month!

  2. Ah, ovide, visst älskar man honom:)
    Jag har lyckats förstâ plotten i den första historien i bok X och lite vagt vad nästa historia handlar om. Resten av klassen är halv eller helt klara med bok XI. Hur gâr det fÖr dig?
    Ps. glöm inte mina röktips, det hjälper jäkligt bra

  3. @Ruub: One month in france sure as hell has flown by.. But seriously, I miss you! I think about you almost every day man! You know you are my Brother? Maybe not by blood, but by love, right? :)

    @Tjoffex: Kul för dig! Själv har jag gett upp lite grann pâ den fronten efter nederlaget med tyskan.. Men men, jag ska försöka ta mig i kragen snart.


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