Sunday 10/9

What a day, what a joyous day!

I slept late, had a loooong breakfast and did some of my homework, I'm now finished with the English assignment, now I just have Philosophy and litterature left.

All the day I've been reading my new book, mixing it with a blend of music and a hint of studies, all on top with a slice of meals.

Gawsh, lazy wonderful day..!

At dinner today, everyone surprised me by bringing in a huge prune-cake with lighted candles. Singing and all! I had almost forgot my birthday tomorrow because I've thought I would spend it "alone" so to speak. But no, not just the singing and the cake, they brought in enormous amounts of gifts also!

Minth candy, nougat, socks, a packet of drinks, Champagne and best of all 40 E for refilling my french mobile!! That's LOADS of cash!

I think I'm going to fall over, or at least, sleep rather good tonight, knowing that my 18th birthday will still be the best! Those of you in Östersund at the day, please make a comment here on the weather, 'cause I haven't had one birthday with bad weather so far!

Good night and loads of love from me!




  1. Haha, din lille snikare där! Vädret är sämst och folk blir förkylda överallt. Helt sinnesjukt, tidig höst. Men jag har ju min rock, så jag håller mig varm :D iaf, så måste jag säga att det låter som en fett grymm 18års dag. Må ju pröva den där kakan du skriver om hela tiden! :P ha det gött mannen! Peace//Jesper

  2. Sniker? Det var det värsta..! ;P

    Jaa, jag mâ fâ se din rock alltsâ, sjukt spänd pâ den..! Ja gör det, färska plommon, smördeg och lite socker. Jag tror faktiskt att det nästan är allt :)



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