Chez les Deneuvy à la Fin de la Semaine

For those of you who don't speak french I'll translate the headline for you:

At Deneuvys at the end of the week.

Finally I'm here again! It's been one messy and stressing week but now that I'm back "home" the pieces are finally coming together. I'm beginning to see the picture instead of just the pieces.

First week of school, what can I say? Revolting? Yes very. Disturbing and confusing? Most certainly. Fun? No doubt about it. I've during this week learnt to know multiple people and gotten many friends, not just in those that Quentin has introduced me to, but others aswell. People in my class, in my corridor and other people at the internat. Marvellous! Everything really works out if you're just a bit openminded and actually try to speak french. I've also gotten invited to a birthday party at my roommate's house around the 23d of September, of course I'm going! Marvellous way to learn to know even more people! The joy, oh the joy!

After the "thursday from hell" I sat down at my desk and started to translate the difficult, classic text about Orpheus, from classic, teatrical french to teatrical swedish. It took me almost all the evening and night and I got a lot of help from both my dictionary and friends around me. I was really proud of myself when I fell asleep somewhere around 23:00 thursday night.

So after too little sleep I arose to another hard-to-melt breakfast with loads of sugar and no lasting satisfactory or filling feeling. I knew that I had awakened to yet another day of knowing nothing - History & Geography, Litterature and German, but I didn't think much about it. History lesson went fine, I know pretty much about the WW2 already so it was not that hard. I also managed to talk to another in my class and was actually able to take a xerox(copy) of her notes that she willingly gave up. After that litterature, which is the subject which I translated the text in and which also is the subject that I find the hardest. After feeling really proud of my efforts to finally being able to understand something the teacher had nothing but disdain for me. I of course couldn't answer any of his questions but he understood why, naturally. But during the middle of the lesson, I got a headache from all the french and of course couldn't concentrate which made it even harder. The teacher then "slaps me across the face" with another homework for next thursday - 7 pages with a total of 14 small resumées of 14 classics. As I suddenly realize what I would be forced to do - translate all the stories to comprehend anything - I cracked.

Right there, I just cracked. Too little sleep, bad breakfast and too much french made me cry. I just burst in to tears right there, quietly of course, I don't think that no-one actually realized what I did. After awhile I managed to get myself together and just concentrate on the subject. I also realized that my teacher might have understanding for my situation, so right after class I went up to him and said that I would not be able to do all of it because I hadn't understood half of what he said, and of course, he understood. Another joyous moment right there.

Everything else went smooth and I got to say, I love french school-food. For dinner we got calf escalope with fresh garlic and onion stewed mushrooms. Gawsh, even I enjoyed the mushrooms! I managed to fall a sleep somewhere around 23:30 yesterday, but it was alright because I had only one class today; philosophy.

Today we awoke earlier than usual to be able to pack our bags for going home over the weekend before breakfast. Usually we get up at 06:50 but today at 06:30, but it didn't matter much. We headed for breakfast with all our bags and then after that for classes. The philosophy went smoother than ever today and I acutally managed to understand nearly 1/3 of it! "The notions on reality and reason." That's what we're doing, and it's loads of fun!

After that I went for town to buy some shampoo and some drinks because I was becoming quite a thirsty man. I managed, by my own and without a map to find my way back to the mall we were in the other day - and BACK AGAIN! When I came back I went for lunch with Clement, Mickael(my roommate) and a girl also came along after a while. We all had lunch and rejoiced!

After that I went and picked up my bags and headed for the bus, I was apparently going to take the same bus as Clement so we went together.

I'm just happy to be "home" at the moment, it's all very quiet (except for the Techno on my iPod though) and tranquil. Just like home away from home should be. I have had a chat with many friends also today and had a long and deep discussion about space and time, loads of fun.

Tonight we're all going out to eat at a japanese restaurant - I'm already hungry!

Well, I'm off now, to do, whatever.

Love from the back room



P.S.: Commenting is not forbidden. D.S.
P.S2.: I will start posting pictures soon also, promise! D.S2.


  1. Härligt att du skaffar kompisar:) Den biten går aningen trögare för mig, många verkar bli en smula besvikna när dom inser att "svenskan" inte är av fröken Silverstedt-typen:P
    Vad det gäller läxorna, häng i och låtsas förstå lite mindre än vad du gör med lärarna, då kommer dom uppfatta det som att man nästan jobbar ihjäl sig om man gör sitt bästa;P
    /Julia (s)

  2. Tänkte bara säga att jag är glad att det verkar gå bra för dig mannen.
    Vi saknar dig här hemma och ialla fall jag tänker på dig, de andra gör nog också det men hur ska jag kunna vara säker ;).
    Hoppas att vi ses till julen.

    Kramar Victor

  3. @Tjoffex: Haha, e det sâ illa alltsâ? Utseendefixerande snigelälskande baguettekrypare! Ja, det kanske jag ska göra, men lärarna är rätt förstâende som det är.

    @Victor: Jag saknar er ocksâ!! Mycket mycket mer än nâgonsin! Och det känns skönt att veta att jag har mânga vänner att komma hem till, tack för det :)

    Puss Fredrik


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