Second and third day of school

Oh my, what have I gotten myself in to?

Naw, just kidding, but yesterday I was mighty tired of the french language, the french culture, the french temperature.. Everything. That was probably because I had 2 hours of philosophy and two hours of history and geography. I understood NOTHING! Nearly NOTHING! During philosophy class I've never felt such a longing for home. During class I thought about one of my last days in Sweden, and one of the best of all summer (year even?). The day I was bathing, eating and sleeping on Rödön. Gawsh that was the best day in a long time.

Both are hard courses to attend in your own language, but in a foreign one, it's nearly impossible! But I won't give up that easily, oh no, the french don't know who they're messing with - haha!

Yesterday was a nice day, I had my two courses and then I ate and then I'd finished the day, just as simple as pie. So after all my courses I headed in to town with Quentin and Clément - a friend of Quentin. We went to buy all my stuff that I was still missing, like a block of papers, a "multifile organizer" and some books I still hadn' got. I also took the chance to buy a large english book just so that I could get away from all the french once in a while. I tried to find the largest book so that I could read it for quite a while. I got my paws on the first book of the series "The Song of Fire and Ice", a fantasy series by George RR. Martin. I started reading yesterday and it was actually good, I think I'll like it.

After we had finished all the necessities Quentin wanted to go to a movie, earlier I told him that I would love to come, but after we finished all our shopping, my feet were burning and my temper was dropping. So I bought a large bottle of Fanta Lemon (thanks for the tip Camilla(: ) which was awefully good and headed for the internat. Of course I returned during the closed hours, so I angrily headed for the nearby park where I placed myself on a parkbench, drinking Fanta, eating THREE lion bars, reading my newly bought book and listening to braindead music - THANK GOD FOR TECHNO AND HARDTRANCE!

As I finally got in to the internat i started reading all the interior rules and that sort of stuff and as I felt drowsy I set my alarm and fell asleep, just not caring that the door was open and that I had stuff all over. I slept for about half an hour when it was FINALLY time to eat. I was really famished after a long day so I ate as much as I could. I don't remember what I ate though. After dinner there's "study hour" so I studied. Then after talking french proverbs and expressions with my room-mate, who by the way doesn't go by the name Mathieu but Mickael, and a corridor-mate I fell a sleep, thinking that all the french in the world could buzz off.

Today I've had another lesson of Philosophy with the same energetic teacher, and it was just as bad as yesterday for me. I understood we had a homework due to Saturday but I had to ask the teacher before fully understanding. "Analyse all of the problems Aristoteles has in his text, and give examples." In swedish; yeah, no problemo, in french; Quoi? Though it will take me all night and all morning just to comprehend the first line, I WILL finish this homework (hopefully)!

Afterwards I had EPS - sports, which I thought would be easy, but I had to make all these choices of what I was going to graduate in - volleyball, ping-pong, tennis, swimming or some other sport. We got served a "menu" with different sports to choose from and finally I understood something.

I took menu 2 which consisted of, "längdhopp", table tennis and volleyball, and menu 3 which was acrobatics, badminton and frisbee. One for each semester, or something like that.

After that I had lunch withe loads of friends, all of which I've come to know with the help of Quentin.

And now, I sit here, just waiting for my final class to begin - literature... I'm about to read french poetry and Les Metamorphoses by Ovide.. And can you believe how thick it is?? It's TOO much for me! Even the french students think it's difficult!! Ah well, I'll just excuse myself by saying "Pardon Madame/Monsieur, je suis Suèdois.." as I always do when there's something I don't understand.

Well, now the bell rings, so I have to leave.

Wish me luck in your thoughts.

Love from the library!




  1. He, har precis köpt Ovide jag med, det är tungt! Men det är bara att ge allt man har, det här fixar vi!


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