Chez les Deneuvy

Oh la la!

I will write this in English because I miss the Swedish letters necessary.

I arrived somewhat around 23:00 the day before yesterday to this beautiful house. It's huge - three floors, a large balcony and a beautiful garden with many different choices of fruits and such.

I of course waited for Quentin and Georges to arrive before I got to bed, but after they came home, I greeted them and got straight into bed.

Yesterday, Quentin invited me to come to one of his friends for bathing in their pool and afterwards arrange a sleep-over-party at a different place. OF COURSE I WANTED TO COME!

Fair and square, we got our things together and headed off for the more "fabuolous" neighbourhoods of Clermont-Ferrand, and seriously - that was no joke the "crême-de-là-crême".. I felt a bit out of place of course, but soon got the hang of it. He had loads of nice friends who were very kind to me and showed me around and stuff.

We bathed - both in sun and in water and later headed downtown, because so,eone wanted to buy ice-cream from Mickey D's. We met with all the gang again and later headed for Mathilde's house.

At this time, I was famished because I've had very little to eat. Well, I believe that's my own fault though, but the breakfasts here? Sheeesh, baguettes and something that resembles coffee and some Nutella-ish stuff, BAH! WHERE'S MY SWEDISH PORRIDGE!?! Well well, I'll learn to love it though.

The sleepover party was great but I was still both hungry and extremely tired. Tout c'est nouveau! A new country, new habits and in particular, a new language - 24/7.

I was obviously the one who passed out first, still not "free from the clutches of my journey".
C'est la même ciël et les mêmes étoilees
mais ce n'est pas la même, sans

After we woke today, we had the french breakfast and headed into town.

Quentin went and got a map for me and guided me to a bookshop so that I could by an agenda to keep track of all my homework and such. After that we got on the bus and headed home. As I was more or less extinguished at the moment I headed for my room and listened to some music and read a french cartoon. It wasn't long until I fell asleep, only to be awakened by lunch - SWEETIE OVERLOAD!

So after we had lunch I headed for my room again. I once again fell asleep... And now! I'm sitting here!

I've noticed this brainwash of french is beginning to form something out of my head, I'm beginning to think in french! Woohoo!

After a few weeks, hopefully, I'll be able to manage on my own.

I think about you all and of course I miss home aswell, not everything's perfect, but I know you will all manage as well as I will.. :)

Love de la France!




  1. Jisses, jag hade tydligen redan en användare här...där ser man.
    Du verkar ha det bra, hamnat i värsta lyxstället!? vår fredrik blir en snobb ;)
    har du dator på rummet, eller tolkade jag dig fel? isånnafall må du fixa msn :)
    saknar dig redan vännen!
    är det här jag bör skriva till dig, eller ska man skriva på lunar eller vad?

  2. Yup I'm becoming quite of a snob. No no that will never happen, I will never succumb to the WARGEN-will! Nope I don't have a computer on my room but I have pretty much free access to one just outside, which already has broadband and MSN!

    You can write to me wherever you want, I'll try to answer wherever :)

    Miss you too!

    Pussar/ Fredrik

    (now you can comment without being a member here!)


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