Chez les Deneuvy 2:ième jour


Once again, another inlay by and about me!

Since of yesterday I have been doing a lot of things. Yesterday evening I participated in my first discussion which felt so damn good I went to bed with a big smile on my face. Already I'm beginning to communicate! I believe I'm a pretty fast-learner - good for me :-) I've also been talking pretty much to Sara which feels good, everything is clear now I hope and I sure hope you still want to come and visit me later!

Today, I first woke up at around 10:30 after sleeping somewhere around 12 hours; I've been doing that for a while, and I LIKE IT! Well, I believe it's the change that make me this tired, the change of language, the change of habits and the change of food, but still, I like it here, alot! The worst thing is still to come though, the schoolstart on monday. I wonder how that will turn out - hopefully pretty good.

Today I've also been in to town to buy my books for all my courses. We drove long and far to some, for me, yet unexplored parts of the town, got out and walked into a large backalley. We finally found what we were looking for, the association of parents who buys books which you rent for the three semesters. After that, you return them and regain your money, a very good deal in other words. Quentin got all his books and since I wasn't pre-inscripted in the association I only managed to get one book - the Philosophy book - the largest one and the hardest one... Well well, I'll manage to get the other books from the school CDI (library) on monday, no problems!

After that we went home on another route and had lunch. It was probably the biggest lunch I've ever seen, cooked chicken with squash, carrots and bouillon. Served with bread (as always) and water. After that the traditional fromage (cheese) which they don't know why they eat - believe me I've asked. And none-the-less after that, DESSERT! A large desert with yoghurt, candy, coffee, homegrown hazzelnuts and fruits. Another "SWEETIE-OVERLOAD" for me. A funny thing here was that we were comparing grammar and languages when I got a question about Swedish grammar I couldn't answer. In normal cases it wouldn't be a hard question, but I completely forgot all Swedish grammar!!! I know how it works, but I couldn't explain it; not even to myself, IN SWEDISH!!

Directly afterwards we - Quentin, me and Georges (the father) headed back in to town because I wanted money from the bank and Quentin needed to buy new shoes and a new bicycle-helmet. All went well and for about an hour I felt like the richest man on the planet with over 600 Euros on me... Of course that would all change. Went we got home I handed nearly everything over to Georges to pay for both the Lycée and for them having me in their home. Well spent money after all!

After all the economics cleared up Georges and Quentin went out bicycling in the area, unfortunately, I had a major headache and was so tired i went straight into my bed for a quick nap. I read some french comics and listened to "Ayreon" (thank you Jesper!) before I fell asleep. I woke up about half an hour later and headed for the computer because I wanted to write another blog. I got online on MSN at the same time and talked to my mother(among others) who for the first time used an I(nstant)M(essaging).-program. I had to finish though because dinner was ready. A large dinner consisting of rice, cooked vegetables, bread, sausage and a large dessert of prune-pie - interesting and very very tasty, I recommend it!

Right now I'm off to bed I think, like everyone else.

So goodnight!

Avec amour de la France!



p.s Still thinking in French - YAY! d.s.


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