Sunday and first day of school

Since I didn' have access to a computer this sunday, this is going to be a pretty long inlay...

This sunday mr, Quentin and Georges went to the Deneuvy-family cabin - or at least to be a cabin. A beautiful old house with loads of work that needs to be done, but I believe it will be all swell when it's done. We first went around it to see what was needed to be done and pretty soon discovered that the tiles were in need of quite a change. So Quentin started climbing and we all started passing the tiles, the work went all smooth with Quentin working and me and Georges surveying the security measures.

We had a light lunch, which Florence had been so kind to pack. Sandwiches which Quentin had made and Cola and water, perfect.

After that we started to collect some boards which Georges would turn in to a door and some other stuff. After that, we packed the car and went home, I slept most of the trip because I was tired from the heat (31°C!!!) and from not being able to do so much.

When we came home, dinner was almost ready so I helped prepare it and set the tables.

We pretty much ate and went to bed because all of us were tired after a good days work. And besides, school was about to commence the day afterwards!

So after a good nights sleep I got up much earlier than I've ever been doing this summer. Knowing that this day would be a "test of fire" for me. We ate the same breakfast as ever - a bowl of milk with cereals, a cup of tea and a sandwich with (shrug) Nutella. Okay okay, nutella isn't that bad, but try having it for breakfast every day for a week, I promise you will get tired of it! At least, I have..

We went to the Lycée Jeanne D'Arc and after a few confusing rounds between the Lycée and the Internat, I finally got my room. Apparently, I would share it with another person, just ONE other person! And I had a nightmare scenario of a large hall with all the beds, but no, this is like a hotel! We each got a bed, a bed-side table, a wardrobe and even a desk! What a great surprise!

The boy I share rooms with is really nice, he has presented me to some of his friends, talked to me much and has a lot of humour aswell! A funny thing was that one of his friends could speak Swedish! How come and most of all WHY(!?!) I asked her when she said she had been attending a school in Finland for a year where they only spoke Swedish.

My first schoolday was more than okay I think. The only lesson I had was a round-up call, were we got to meet our head-teacher, a nice woman who let us finish early and explained a lot to me. But what was most puzzling was this girl sitting next to me, she talked to me, explained everything with words I could understand and helped me alot! Would that ever happen in my last class? I don't know, but I don't think so..

As I finished quite early I started to translate and read the rules for the Internat and the school. All went really smooth I think and I got a lot of help, or did I? I don't remember! Haha!

I went to the internat and continued my work and later went for dinner and then for bed. I spoke a lot to Mathieu - my "roomie" (haha) and my mom - on the phone then, naturally.

And finally, the day today!

We went up somewhat around 07:00 after stopping the alarm several times. We weren't late, which I thought we were, because we had to wait for the intendant to come say "Good Morning" before we could leave the room.

We headed for breakfast and sat at the same table as the Swedish-speaking girl and some other friends of Mathieu. I didn't say much but I observed and listened. I then headed for english class which was pretty much the funniest class I've ever attended! We had a great teacher who truly was an enthuisast and inspirator, but she unfortunately never managed to inspire her class. And whenever someone spoke, they merely whispered the answer.

I answered a lot of the teachers questions, but I didn't want the others to think of me as arrogant and hardheaded so I didn't answer all the questions, which I could have done. But it was an inspiring and a fun class to attend. I look forward to my next lesson.

My next lesson today is german, how and why, I don't know, but my teachers thought that german would be the ultimate language for me..

Otherwise I pretty much have the best schedule ever. All my days start at 8 except for mondays which start at 11. I start mondays with english, followed by lunch and afterwards 2 hours of philosophy. Tuesdays start two hours of english and after that a long break up until 15:00 when I have german. Wednesdays start with two hours of philosophy followed directly by two hours of history and geography which is the same subject here! After that loong haaard day I have the day off. Thursdays are the hardest days I think, philosophy, gymnastics and then literature, only separated with a 2 hour lunch. Fridays are also quite hard, but I'll manage. History & geography for two hours followed by literature for two hours and later german for one hour. I also go to schools on saturdays but I only have one lesson, guess what? *drumroll* Mooooore philosophy...! 8 hours of philosophy, each and every week! GAWSH!

But hopefully I'll manage with the french and all, otherwise I could always ask Mathieu or another person to help me with the language.

Right now it's lunch, so I bid you all farewell!


Love from France!



  1. Effe (fr. lemonad)5 september 2006 kl. 16:07

    yes! om du läser tyska kan du väl fråga dina lärare vad ich trinke schampus mit lachsfisch betyder :P jag har aldrig trott på din förklaring om att "jag schamponerar min laxfisk"

  2. haha, underbart med tyskan där ;)
    du verkar ha det bra, o va tufft med den svensk-talande tjejen =)
    Nu ville min oskar säga ngt också, men ha det så bra, pussar

    Tjenare din korv! Fy fan vad bra du skriver, verkligen skit kul o läsa:) Låter ju iaf som du har det ganska fint i frankrike. Här är det bara bra, snackar redan med typ alla i klassen och pluggandet går finfint. Saknar dig dock ganska rejält :S Ifall du känner dig rik nån gång får du ju gärna ringa.. :P hmpf.. Så måste världens mest sorgsna låt börja också... Nej men så fort du vet när du kommer hem får du skriva, ser redan fram emot att träffa dig. Ha det fortsatt fint i frankrike iaf, och ät mycke tarte flambeè, lr vad de nu heter =? :P Väntar på dig när du kommer hem. puss och gull // Oskar

  3. Du ska bara veta hur DRYGT det är att läsa allt på engelska din kuf!:D


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