Thursday bloody thursday

This is NOT my day..

Litterature course went bad, really bad.. I tried to understand and I really tried to comprehend the homework but it just didn't go my way! I couldn't, I just couldn't, I don't know why but it just wasn't possible.. That's when you're thankful for all your classmates.

We had a small break in the middle of the lesson when a guy from my class approaches me and asks if everything's alright, and also if I understand everything etc. I tell him No, of course, because I didn't understand. Then he says these magical words which lift the world of your shoulders - no, not I love you, but - I can help you! OF COURSE, you can help me, no doubt about it, I'm the "crazy-Swede-who-went-to-france" remember..?

The lesson ended and I was still like a questionmark when I headed for the internat - tired, hungry and absolutely fed up with school. I reach the gates, get inside and up all the 83 steps for my floor and manages to reach the door when I suddenly realize that at some point today, I'VE LOST MY GODDAMN KEY!!!!

On top of it all I have a major headache coming, loads of work to be finished by tomorrow and a new language to learn..

I unpack all of my heavy backpack to find nothing, so of course I get back out. When I get out I realize the gate is closed so I have to take the long way around the other Lycée.

Of course it starts to RAIN!!

I at least manage to buy two snickerbars for comfort.

I gotta go, the library closes.

Love from France.


  1. huvva, din dag lät ju ungefär lika rolig som min... kan ju rappotera att min huvudvärk (som legat o småbråkat hela sommaren) nu är tillbaka med full styrka... =S
    hoppas du får det bättre snart :) puss

  2. fy fan, hoppas du slapp sova på gatan iaf=) låter som tunga dagar, men håll ut mannen, det blir nog lättare sen. puss //Allman ;)

  3. jag hoppas att det löste sig bra för dig.. men bortsett från allt det svåra med språket och nyckeln så verkar det som om du har det bra!
    du skulle ha gillat filosofin, tillsammans med oss och Jesper.. ;)
    Vi saknar dig i klassen!
    Madde =)

  4. Sounds like the "thursday from hell". Did you find your key? I hope you don't have anymore days like this while in France. Good Luck!

  5. Tack för alla kommentarer, nu känns allt mycket bätter, men vissa dagar ÄR värre än andra.

    @Ritenius: fy fan.. Jag undrar vad det gâr att göra ât..?

    @allman: Haha tack, det slapp jag, som tur var, min rumskompis höll god koll pâ sin nyckel!

    @Madde: Tack :) ja det e jättebra här :) och JA jag saknar SVENSK filosofi med ER..

    @Clayton: haha kind of was actually, but I managed to find my key yesterday so it worked out. Thanks, I don't any more of these kind of days here, haha :)

    Puss pâ er alla!


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