28/9 - Strike!

Well, here I go again, whining away.

Sitting here at the Internet-café not far from school, where one hour on internet costs 2.50, but why in the middle of the morning you ask?

One answer: today I experience the first of - probably - many "grèves" to come. Yup, it's a strike right now, why? I understand perfectly why, there is now limit to the number of pupils permitted in each class. There are classes with 38 pupils on my Lycée, and others have told me horror-stories of classes of up to 45 people at Collège. Of course the teachers can't put up with it!

Anyway, I'm not permitted to quit German to take a course in French. Just because "it's not according to the rules". French is not considered to be a "foreign language" you see.

I'll print the story in black and white for you.

I want to quit german. Why? Because I seriously can't understand jack shit, I understand that which resembles Swedish, but that's not good enough since the two are very far apart, one thing the French and especially the administrators can't seem to understand.

So this is what happened tuesday.

I thought I had quit german, and therefore the day as the clock struck 10. I waited though, just to be sure that my teacher knew I had quit. So I went to the lesson at 1500 just like everyone else really happy KNOWING this was my last lesson ever in german. As the bell rings for the lesson to start an intendant walks in and says I've been summoned to the CPE - head of all intendants - at the end of the lesson. During the lesson in german, I don't do anything and the teacher most of the time ignores me - fine by me! I have to remain there for the entire lesson though but afterwards I went to the CPE at 16. I had already promised Marion and Delphine to meet them outside the Lycée at 16 so I had to say that I had been summoned to a meeting, but it would only take like 5 or perhaps even as much as 10-15. So I go to the CPE and starts to discuss.. I end up discussing with her for almost 50 minutes.. During that time we also phone my correspondant mother, who ALSO tells me the same thing as the CPE.

"I know it's hard in the beginning, all languages are, but don't give up, you know there's no demand for you to take the Bac, you see?"
- Yes I know all languages are hard from the beginning, that's EXACTLY why I want to quit german! It's not the beginning, it's a course for those who have studied the language for 5 or 6 YEARS! Not 5 or 6 TIMES!
"But there's no pressure from our side that you should pass the Bac, you see?"
- That's not the problem, and YES I know perfectly well I do not have to pass the Bac..
"Good, good, then remember; all languages are hard in the beginning.."
- I KNOW, that's why I want to quit german, take a course in French together with Première or even Secondaire, to learn FRENCH faster. That's why I'm here, is it not? I would have no problem studying with the younger pupils, I'll adapt!
"You don't have to pass the Bac, but it's not impossible you see, we had an american with us last year who did it.."
"It's against the rules you see.."


Gawsh! Even my mentor AND my teacher of foreign languages think it's okay, so where LIES THE FRIGGING PROBLEM?! "It's against the rules, and the rules are as holy as Mother Mary herself - bless her soul.."

Bah! But I haven't given up.. I'm now writing a personal letter to "Madame la Proviseure"- the principal, to perfectly explain everything. After that, we'll see with the rules..

Yesterday after courses me, Marion, Delphine and Anouk had a pick-nick at Puy-de-Dôme, which was awesome - save the fact I was feeling ill! It's so beautiful around here, the nature and everything! I'll post some photos at the family computer later.

As we left Puy-de-Dôme-mountain we went back to Delphines place and I finally got to see the full "Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit"! Gawsh, it's hilarious! I'm so buying it when I get back to Sweden!

Anyways, I'll get going now after writing away my anger at everything.

Hope it wasn't too long and too much ranting about.


Loads of love from the Library!



  1. Dreads, dreads, dreads, DREADS!! jag gjorde dreads idag :D helt insane, det gjort snuskigt ont bitvis, men det var fett värt! :D oooooh, dreads! saknar dig fortfarande biatch, men you know i love ya! puss o kram

  2. Hey Heeey!
    Hur är det med fredrik?
    !och jag kan informera att jepsers dreads blev riktigt bra.. :D skiiitcoolt.. :D:D !!
    saknar dig!
    Ha det bäst i helgen och lycka till med tyskabytet! ta i med hårdhanskan! ;)

  3. PICS OR STFU!! Fy faaan vad coolt! Jag vill se nu nu nu! :D

    Ge mig jespers dreads i en silverskâl :)

    Puss o kram :)

  4. Haha, ja har börjat anpassa mig till dina långa bloggar nu, så du kan fortsätta i den här takten!;)
    Om 6 dar drar ja tilL Kenya ffs!!:D

  5. @Ruub: Kul att höra att det gâr framât! KENYA om 6 DAGAR MANNEN! Hur känns det? Börjar resfebern komma lite kanske?


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